This is an article about “targeted individuals” – defining what a targeted individual is …

This is an article about “targeted individuals” written with the intent to clarify some of the confusion which is undoubtedly surrounding your very unfortunate circumstances. Let’s begin by defining exactly what a targeted individual is. Essentially, a targeted individual has officially been declared an “enemy of the State”. Your harassment has now entered an entirely new phase – from what was once State and most likely federal law enforcement surveillance (for whatever reason) has now graduated to a little-known CIA / U.S. military psychological harassment & physical torture campaign that is so extensive and seemingly so absurd to most Americans, you will almost certainly be labeled as having a mentally illness and/or paranoia just for simply describing what has now become your daily reality to anyone other than a fellow targeted individual who is also experiencing similar violations of their civil, constitutional and basic human rights.

“I’m being followed everywhere I go”, “it seems like they are everywhere”, “it’s like they can read my mind and know where I’ll be and when”…these are the types of statements, that while actually being accurate, can easily make a targeted individual appear to have lost their mind. In order for it to make more sense, let’s once again review who is now orchestrating this abuse against targeted individuals. Our military (essentially our international police force) and our intelligence community. This harassment campaign has reached the highest levels of our government and as such, the resources at their disposable are truly unimaginable. Is it just the military perpetrating this harassment campaign? Of course NOT! They have simply been handed control. What this means for a targeted individual is that EVERY law enforcement tool from your local community watch, community organizations (ie Freemasons) and “concerned citizen” types all the way up through Homeland Security including the U.S. military have placed YOU in their crosshairs. Your conversations are being monitored (whether inside your home, your car, your office, and obviously your telephone), your movements and actions are constantly being monitored (whether inside your home or out in public), your electronic correspondence is being monitored (email, websites you visit, letters you write on your computer, etc) – you are being WATCHED! Again, this isn’t your local Sheriff sitting in an “unmarked” patrolcar eating his donut on a stakeout. A targeted individual has every known (AND classifed) technology being deployed, and most likely TESTED, against them. Understand it and deal with it in a logical and sensible manner. I don’t mean to alarm you, but this is the unfortunate reality any targeted individual now finds themself in. Maybe it’s a little clearer now HOW “they” can be everywhere you go and seem to be able to “read your mind”. Targeted individuals are not crazy – but be very careful…the perception of mental illness is one of the many traps a program like this was designed to create.

So, besides an absolute abomination of a targeted individuals right to privacy, what other tactics are deployed against a targeted individual. The hardest to prove and the most criminal tactic used is a continuous poisoning and torture of the target by invisible directed electromagnetic radiation. If this is a new topic to you, it may be unclear exactly what electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is. After all, it’s not the type of topic the average American is thinking about. Well, to name a few examples, electromagnetic radiation ranges from radio frequency waves (RF) to the more destructive ionizing forms of x-rays and gamma rays. In the lower to mid spectrum there are also radar waves, microwaves, ultraviolet and infrared light waves. What I noticed when this harassment campaign began for myself in late 2005 was the continuous jet plane(s) that suddenly began doing “holding patterns” for extended periods of time above my home. My theory is that these planes are equipped with sophisticated radar imaging technology. Possibly very high powered infrared imaging cameras as well. Rather than using these electromagnetic radiation devices to “search” for something, in the case of a targeted individual these devices are used to slowly poison the target with continuous high doses of directed electromagnetic radiation. Once a target’s body has been properly overexposed over a period of time (months), other portable devices may then be used to keep a target in a constant state of agitation and dis-ease. This tactic can be the premier form of making a target seem crazy by forcing them to report what appear to be insane accusations against neighbors, the people “following them everywhere”, planes over their home and the government. Another obvious reason for deploying this stealth torture tactic is to provoke a targeted individual to lash out in sheer frustration and anger against the closest person (who may have absolutely nothing to do with the ongoing abuse). Essentially, this is the ultimate version of entrapment. And may even be the ultimate, basically unprovable form of a state-sanctioned murder!


If you like to read more about the experiences of a targeted individual and the many tactics being deployed against them on American soil, please visit my website at You can also email me directly at

~ by blombladivinden on October 21, 2012.

4 Responses to “This is an article about “targeted individuals” – defining what a targeted individual is …”

  1. How to File Victims Expense Reimbursement Tea Party Rebellion April 2009

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  3. I am being gang stalked and they are using electronic devices. In the last month I have developed several ttumors on my rib cage abdomen and spine. I have an appointment to get them checked out Monday. Is there anything I can do to protect myself. The police won’t do anything.please help me I survived back to back tours in Iraq and I don’t want to die like this. I am a single mom and I just want my life back.

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